This page is for the merchandise. Which you you will
be able to purchase tickets for the events where Sean Midnight doing a show, T-Shirts, Badges, Photographs and much more....
Please note:
Power Trip Wrestling is the company who made any of Sean Midnight's
merchandise. So Sean Midnight can't give the price's quote. So you may will need to contact to Power Trip Wrestling for price,
apologise for any inconvenience caused. Any problem, so please do not hesitate to contact us.

New Sean Midnight T Shirts |
T Shirt £8 (Available at the wrestling show)
UCW ForeCast Express Promo Picture with Autograph £1.00
Keyring of ForeCast Express with UCW logo £2.50
Rubber Keyring of Sean Midnight logo (Both sides) £3.50
Promo Picture of Sean Midnight with or without Autograph (PTW) £1.00
Small Promo Picture of Sean Midnight & Tracey Kilby with or without Autograph (PTW): £1.50
Large Promo Picture of Sean Midnight & Tracey Kilby with or without Autograph (PTW):
Sean Midnight Fridge Magnet: £1.50