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Interview with Sean Midnight

Interview by Steve Day

Interviewer: Hello there, tonight my guest is a man who has successes wrestler, Sean Midnight, thanks for joining us.

Sean Midnight: It’s my pleasure, Steve.

Interviewer: Now, not too many people know this, but Davey Jones trained you to complete in the ring.

Sean Midnight: (Laugh) Pfft! If you call sitting in a chair complaining teaching , then yes. Maybe Davey Jones showed me the ropes a little… but he never showed me the fine points. He never helped me become my best. For that, I had learn on my own without guidance.

Interviewer: Obviously that was out of fear and jealously for what you could become - what you became.

Sean Midnight: You are exactly right, Steve. He saw the immense talent and athleticism that I possess. But he wouldn’t help me reach my full potential. He knew that if he did, it would just come back to haunt him. Davey Jones mean nothing to me anymore, anyway.

Interviewer: The act of a selfish, sell-absorbed, and pathetically self cantered man.

Sean Midnight: Yes, that’s correct, Steve. Let me tell you something. I am not just come here to sort it out with those Welsh guy who love his sheep… I am come here and talk to you about my future. On 6th February 2010, that will be big night for me... Because I am going to… end… Davey Jones’… Career for good! And he going to retire forever by me!

(Sean Midnight push Steve away and Sean Midnight walked out from the interview area)

Interview Sean Midnight by Piledriver Online
Overcoming Hurdles and Defying the Critics Breaking into the business and achieving your dream of becoming a professional wrestler isn’t the easiest thing to do . However, if you’re profoundly deaf or have cerebral palsy then it becomes that little bit harder. The doubters are out in force and you have to work even harder to dismiss your critics and make it in the business. Over the next few pages we interview Sean Midnight and Dan Edge, both whose stories are highly inspirational . We start with Sean who’s profoundly deaf but just recently won the PTW British Heavyweight title. We begin the interview by finding out the story behind that triumphant day and then look back at his career to date.

Before the match, I did feel nervous because I was having a title match, especially as it was the debut of the British Championship at the PTW show in Isle of Sheppey. Just before I made my entrance, I felt like "This is time for me to kick Marcus' ass!". The crowd was quite nice. especially some of the fans who cheered throughout the match. I won via my finisher, sitdown powerbomb. Soon after the referee counted the pinfall. I couldn't believe that I’d actually become PTW British Champion. I have been professional and never won any big thing, such as title. Now I've won the PTW British Championship. I felt great and over the moon. When we travelled back to my hometown, Birmingham. I had the PTW British Championship belt on the car seat, and I looked at the belt and felt 100% proud of myself and what I’d achieved. I do hope I will have a long reign with this belt. From now until then, I hope I’ll be able to win more championships. So now I can represent the Deaf community!

What first got you interested in pro wrestling and who were the wrestlers that inspired you to actually become a pro wrestler?

I do remember I was watching WWF (WWE) with my brother when we were young, I told my brother that I wanted to become a professional wrestler when I older. So we kept watching WWF, “Rowdy” Roddy Piper was my favourite. He made me laugh, I loved him! Then in 1998, Kane made his debut to tombstone pile drive The Undertaker in the Hell in a Cell match against Shawn Michaels. I was very into that, I loved Kane. When I was 15 years old, I decided to attend K-Star Wrestling (KSW) to train to become professional wrestle. Soon after that I quit K StarWrestling, to go to Ultimate Championship Wrestling (UCW). Now, I am a professional wrestler, so I would say “Rowdy” Roddy Piper and Kane actually inspired me to become pro-wrestler.

How did people react when you said that you were going to become a professional wrestler?
It all depends on the person. My mom was worried and she didn’t want me to be a pro wrestler as she worried that I may get seriously injured. But now she’s accepted it and she’s very supportive me, so is my dad. Some people say that because I’m deaf there’s no chance for me to turn pro wrestler. As I said it depends on the person.. Most people said ‘go for it’ and they’re proud to see the deaf guy step in the ring. Now there is one promotion interested in booking me to appear on their show in America! The promoter watched some of my matches on YouTube, visited my website, and contacted me for some match videos, and now he says he’s satisfied enough to book me. That;’s a big step for me. We still work on it. Finger crossed!

Who trained you and how more difficult did your deafness make that training?
I used be trained by Mad Dog Maxx at KSW, then Davey Jones at UCW. Davey Jones as a trainer was wonderful! That was much easier for me because he’s deaf as well. The communication was smooth. We used be trained together with another deaf pro wrestler, Lightning Lewis. Now we trained to new wrestler-to-be.

What are your memories of your pro debut?

I do remember my pre-debut match. I was travelling down to Trowbridge by train from Birmingham with my friends. I was worried and felt like going to be sick. My friends seem worried about me. When we arrived at the venue, the ring was in the middle of the l room with empty chairs around the ring. I sat down in a chair and I kept telling myself that I couldn’t believe that I was actually going to become a pro wrestler. My debut was against Lightning Lewis. The match was amazing. Especially as I turned heel to join Forecast Express. Lots of people seemed to enjoy our match, I did enjoy my debut match and I loved it.

Why did you choose the name 'Sean Midnight' and why are you always holding that clock?
Ha! Well, there was three reasons I chose Sean Midnight as my ring name. 1) My surname is Noone, Noone sound like as “noon” which mean afternoon. Opposite 12:00 afternoon is Midnight. So I use Midnight. 2) I normally stay up after 12:00am. 3) That sounded an awesome ring name and I liked that. So there’s the three reasons I chose ‘Sean Midnight’ as my ring name. Clock... Some of the wrestlers did ask me why I made my entrance with the clock.
Some of them think that I ripped it off from Boogeyman, But I didn’t.. The reason I carry a clock is because of “Midnight” which links with the time (12:00am). I also like to make an entrance with something else, otherwise I would look boring. Lots of children love my clock, so do people, some of the wrestlers as well. Peter Staniforth is just jealous! Ha!

How does the fact you're profoundly deaf affect your career and how do you overcome those problems?
I would say ‘Communication Breakdown’ to be honest. I found it was extremely difficult to communicate with wrestlers but we use paper/pen to solve the problem. To work with the crowd was difficult, I believe some of them seem scared to meet me and talk to me after the show, I think all because they didn’t know how to talk to me. I would like to talk to the fans after the show. It would be nice to talk to see if they did enjoy the show, etc. Some of the fans on my Facebook, I occasionally talk to them on there like Nisa who is one of the big fans of Power Trip Wrestling (PTW).

How does the fact you can't hear the fans cheering you affect you in the ring?
I normally work with crowd a little bit, as my wrestle style is as a grappler. That means I’ll be too busy to look to the crowd and wait for them to cheer. But I can make them cheer at my entrance and after the match. Some times, I make them cheer in the middle of the match and I can see them cheer. That wasn’t a big problem, really. But it would be nice if the fans stand up and cheer so I can know when they’re cheering or not..

You've had a few matches with Lightning Lewis, who's also deaf. What are your memories of those matches and what's he like as an opponent?
Actually I’ve only faced him three times so far and the matches were really tough Lots of people say we remind them a lot of Batista Vs Randy Orton, and most of them says the match made them feel it had a main event feeling which was great. I believe we always put lots of effort into the matches with big moves, lots of bumps, etc. My debut match was the most memorable, especially as I gave Lightning Lewis a handshaking to turn myself heel.

What reaction have you had to your appearance on the Community Channel in April?
I appeared on ‘WICKED’ on 20 April and I had a match for PTW on the 24th. Some of the wrestlers said they’d seen me on television, unfortunately, the ring announcer forgot to mention that I was seen on SKY Digital. That upset me for big time. But I asked Peter Staniforth to make sure that the ring announcer announces that at the next PTW show. That should be interesting to see what the crowds reaction is going to be like. There was lots of reaction from the Deaf community. I went to a rally in Tamworth on the 25th, lots of deaf people talked to me about wrestling, and they said they saw me on television. That was awesome. I just feel like as “At last! They all now know there is a Deaf Professional Wrestler!”. The programme can found here: http://www.bslbt.co.uk/wicked/programmes/episode_four/episode_four/

You're a regular in PTW, just what is Petey Staniforth like to work for and do you need to check the latest Luton Town result before chatting to him to gauge what mood he'll be in?
To be working with Petey Staniforth is awesome. He’s like my family, I just love to wind him up. But he can be nasty when he appears on the show, but I am looking forward to see us both in the ring at the same time so I can tell him to save his breath, because he can give you a mouthful but problem is I can’t hear it! Do I check the Luton Town FC result? Not really, no. I know if Luton Town FC lose, that won’t affect us. The interesting fact is that Luton Town FC chairman, Nick Owen lives up the road from me. I asked him for an autograph to give to Petey Staniforth. He loved that. He couldn’t believe that. His face was priceless.

What have been the highlights of your time so far in PTW?
Um.... I would say the Isle of Sheppey show, as lots of people kept
coming to the PTW stall to buy a promo picture of me, and asking me to sign it, take picture with kids, etc when I didn’t have any chance to go get changed to normal clothes from wrestling attire. That was my highlight at PTW. WICKED came over to film the match, as well where I was captain for team PTW against team LPW in a battle royal. Being captain for PTW meant lots to me.

What are your ambitions in pro wrestling?
There are two things that I aim for being a pro wrestler. First, I would like to become heavyweight champion where I can represent the Deaf and it would be good for the Deaf community, and also the disabled community. Second, I would like to get more bookings I always love to wrestle for other promotions including big promotions, again which would be good for me to represent the Deaf, but also the disabled community, as well. I would loved to wrestle overseas such as America.

How important do you feel it is that other people who suffer from deafness have role models like yourself so they can also forge successful careers?
I do feel that is very important. So Deaf people can achieve what they always want to as I have. I watched WWF and always wanted to become pro wrestler. Look at me now. I am a pro wrestler and there are ONLY three deaf prowrestlers in UK as far I know. The other role model in PTW is Dan Edge. He is disabled and he’s a wrestler as well. Even though he has limited ability he shows that his disability hasn’t stopped him becoming a pro-wrestler. I always believe that everyone can achieve as much as anyone else, no matter what they are, deaf, disabled, gender, age, and many more, it hasn’t stopped them achieve something that they always want to.

How can my readers find out more about you and your career?
I would say just visit the official website of Sean Midnight, which can be found https://sean-midnight.tripod.com/ or my FaceBook. Also visit Power Trip Wrestling website, www.powertripwrestling.co.uk

Interview Sean Midnight by Bad Machine Productions

Hello Sean Midnight!

Sean Midnight, could you tell everyone who you are and how long you have been wrestling?
My name's Sean Midnight and I am from Birmingham, United Kingdom. and I’m one of few Deaf professional wrestlers in UK, including Alan Kilby. I've been wrestling for around 3 years now.

Could you tell us how you started?
I was a big fan of wrestling when I was a kid, I do remember I watching most of "Rowdy" Roddy Piper match, he was my favourite. I always watching WWE (WWF), WCW and ECW. And I’ve decided go to training with some friends. And we used be attend to K Star Wrestling, then I done at there and moved to Ultimate Championship Wresting (UCW). And now I am available for booked anywhere across the UK, or worldwide.

How was your first class?
At KSW, it was alright. At UCW, loved that! Especially meet Davey Jones who are 10+ years experienced, and he’s Deaf as well, and he's from Cardiff, Wales. He remind me of British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith. His wrestling style a lot same as British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith.

Do you think that first week of muscle ache is the most important time for a wrestler?
No idea, I dont know what shall I say? [laugh].

Any regrets?
Nope, well… some matches was quite disappointed, but nothing regrets at all, really.

Your favourite match as far?
I’d says Lightning Lewis at Bath’s festival match. We kept fought each other for like as 40 minutes without stopped, that was hard than what you expect! [Laugh] and the crowd end up watched our match, and applaused to us after I beat him in the re-match. What a great memory! I’d loved against Lightning Lewis again in the future, but I knew we will. Because we always put lots of effect to the match. Such as lots of impact moves (Power-bomb, FU, Suplex, Running body slamming, Moonsault, etc.) We also tag team partner, one move that we never forget was Monkey Flip from corner to other corner in the 16x16 ring! And I will be always loved him, because we always put lots of amazing moves at the training, and wrestling event as well! [Laugh] My favourite oppenet will always be Lightning Lewis. He's amazing and talent wrestler!

How would you describe your gimmick, and wrestling style?
My gimmick is dark ministry, and will keep coming back to finish the unfinished business. I'd describle my style is more mixed of Undertaker/Kane/Sting and Samoa Joe's gimmick. Which mean I will wrestle by serious, and taken the match more serious, to make match more impact as I can. the fan, crowd, and the audience is a lot important to me, and they pay to watched the match, and I always trying my best to make their night. That is what I do after Davey Jones and Lightning Lewis. I would like to thanked them very much to put me in effort. And make the match looks more tougher than what people expect. My goals to make match looks much tougher and more impact moves, such as lots of bump, taking some of move that risks, etc.

So would it be fair to say that as a wrestler continues his or her career, they mature and develop a more solid style?
Not sure, some wrestlers taken the match more serious, which leading themselves to big name, and make them as great wrestlers, and fans would looking forward for their matches in the future. However, some wrestlers wasn't take serious with the matches, or so and that does affect to their matches, because the fans may may start to lost interesting their match. They obvious prefer to watched the solid match. Or impact match, such as big move (Powerbomb, Suplex off from top rope, and you named that)

What is your goal as being wrestler?
My aim would be win the heavyweight champion belt. Since then, I never won any title as far in my career, and that would be nice for see me win sometime that I can representative to Deaf people in the world. Also disability people who dream to become professional wrestler, or fan of the wrestling as well.

One more serious question before we turn to the pop questions, what is the most important piece of advice you could give to someone who wants to take up wrestling?
At my experience, I’d says go to proper training school, and keep work on it, and don’t give up. Then finally, you will step in the ring!

Desert Island, whose wrestling book would you take to read?
Kane’s Journey into Darkness

Which wrestler would you take to talk to?
Kane, obvious! He’s my favourite, also John Bradshaw Layfield. He’s pure amazing, especially with his promo! Flair, and many!

Which one would you take to train with?
Tommy Dreamer and Al Snow. If Davey Boy Smith still alive, then that would be him, so do Eddie Guerrero (That why I use Frog Splash as finisher, coz of Eddie Guerrero).

Is there anything you would like to say to the wrestling fans in internet land?
I’d says visit my website https://sean-midnight.tripod.com/ and Power Trip Wrestling website http://powertripwrestling.co.uk/

Thanks for your time, Sean Midnight.
My pleasure!


The offical website of Sean Midnight
